Raising Money For Your Adoption Online part 2

In a previous post, I talked about using your blog to educate others about yourself and your efforts to complete your family via adoption. What I didn't talk about fully was how to complete the task...

Praying Through Your Adoption: A Complete Guide to Creating and Nurturing Today's Forever Family

My mentor recently asked me to stop giving away so much valuable information. I think his exact words were "the rules of the marketing game should be sold and not told" I know that he means well, but like I said God has a plan that will help me to raise the funds I need for my adoption. I trust Him and I can't wait to see this journey of love unfold.

Raising Money for your Adoption

So here's a few adoption fund-raising ideas to get the ball rolling for your Adoption Fundraising website.

  1. Setup a blog using Google's Blogger service.
  2. Tell people about your blog; direct them to your blog's address
  3. Engage with others that are interested in your favorite things
  4. Plan and host a charity event in your community and pass out fliers about your blog and make sure your Blogger address in large/bold. 
  5. Host an online party and charge $$ (donation) to talk about your adoption experience.

These will get the ball rolling, if you need anything more leave a comment I'm full of ideas!!
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  • Unknown | October 29, 2012 at 1:50 PM

    This is a great place to learn more about adoption. Thank you. My sister lives in Illinois and she has been considering adoption with her husband. Can you recommend any agencies for adoption in illinois? They would like to get started with the process, but don't really know where to start. Thank you

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